14 janvier 2025

Le centenaire de la traversée de la Manche…

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    • #85606

        On BBC News


        Pilots recreate Channel crossing

        Two pilots have successfully recreated the first flight across the English Channel, on the 100th anniversary of the achievement.

        At dawn on 25 July 1909, Frenchman Louis Bleriot created history by piloting his Bleriot XI from Sangatte, France, to Dover in England.

        Edmond Salis had no problems crossing the Channel during the 40 minute flight in his restored original Bleriot XI.

        The crossing is part of the Dover 2009 celebrations marking the centenary.

        Identical aeroplane

        Mr Salis, who is also French, was watched by hundreds of supporters when he set off on the journey in his 90-year-old single-seater.

        He was accompanied by a modern Bleriot-style two-seater replica aeroplane.

        Both planes landed on a grass airstrip just before 0900 GMT at the Duke of York’s Royal Military School, close to where Mr Bleriot crash-landed after his 36-minute flight, in the shadow of Dover Castle.
        Louis Bleriot in his plane
        Louis Bleriot was the first man to fly across the Channel

        He beat Swedish pilot Mikael Carlson who was due to lead three replica Bleriot XIs across the Channel later on Saturday afternoon in a bid to be the first to recreate the journey marking the anniversary.

        Before the flight Mr Salis said: « Louis Bleriot surely asked himself the same questions as us before taking off, but there was more uncertainty then, since nobody had ever done it before him

        His cloth and wood monoplane, which dates from 1934, is identical to the one Bleriot flew.

        Around 300 French, British and Belgian pilots are due to follow the trail later on Saturday flying microlight aircraft.

        Mr Bleriot’s grandson, who is also called Louis, watched the two aeroplanes land.

        He said: « Today is a great day the anniversary of my grandfather’s cross-channel flight of course -so for me, it’s something that I’ve been waiting for for ages of course.

        « Not only to France, but for the world, his cross-channel flight was really the beginning of modern aviation. »

        Louis Blériot : premier homme qui a traversé la Manche en avion

        Edmond Salis au dessus de la Manche avec le même avion (original) que Blériot 100 ans après

      • #107850

          A l’époque, il fallait être fou, inconscient, pionnier… bref : EN AVOIR !!! 😯

          bah, on dit bien « ces merveilleux fous volants avec leur machines… » 😉

          D’ailleurs, si on s’organisait une petite visite du musée de l’Air et de l’Espcae du Bourget d’ici quelques jours ?
          On pourra revoir les avions de légende, dont celui qui traversa la manche et que l’ont voit plus haut 🙂

          Toxy et Prince, toujours partant comme d’hab ? 😉

        • #107852

            Partante!! 😀 😀 (selon mon planning et en semaine de préférence)
            Veux revoir le sale rital voleur de poule et le mangeur d’abricots frais! 😆

            Oui, à l’époque il fallait être fous pour faire ce genre de périple! Maintenant, des défis aéronautiques, il y en a peu et cela n’intéresse plus grand monde! Pourtant, il y en a avec nos belles machines de métal! Par exemple, les records du monde détenu par le Boeing 777 : plus long parcours sans poser l’avion (19 000km)…
            Ou alors les défis aéronautiques du genre : tour du monde en montgolfière!

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