coucou Francois,
c’est sur c’est l’ occasion de tenter ta chance!!!! pour le déroulement de lopen days je ne sais pas vraiment comment ca se passe, j’ai vu les explications dans les forums. Voila ce que j’ai recu pour convocation le 1er mai, tu recevras sans doute la même: une semaine avant la date :
Thank you for your application for the position of Cabin Crew with Qatar Airways.
We are pleased to inform you that we will be conducting an Open Day Cabin Crew Recruitment Campaign in Barcelona, Spain as detailed below:
Date: 01st May 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 09:00 AM Sharp
Plaza Pius XII,
08028, Barcelona, Spain.
You are most welcome to participate in this Open Day. However, be informed that our Open Days are frequently scheduled throughout the world and we do encourage you to attend a campaign held closest to your location that does not incur excessive travel and expense.
Please note that all expenses incurred by you to attend any recruitment campaign will not be the responsibility of Qatar Airways.
Our Open Day is an interactive information session only where you will have the opportunity to meet with our Recruitment team and learn more about our Cabin Crew lifestyle, package and living in Doha, Qatar. Your application will be reviewed and only those short-listed will be invited for further recruitment processes o
* 02nd May 2010 (Sunday) – Preliminary Selection
* 03rd May 2010 (Monday)- Final Interviews
(Time and venue will be advised for both sessions)
Please bring with you the following:
An updated resume.
* One recent passport-sized photograph (smiling) on a plain (avoid white) background.
* One recent full-length postcard-sized photograph (business attire) on a plain (avoid white) background
(Photo Format:Stand facing the camera, with one foot slightly forward, hands relaxed by the sides and a warm open smile) .
This information is made available to you as a result of you applying online to attend the Barcelona, Spain recruitment campaign.
We wish you every success with your application.
Thank you and Warm Regards,
Cabin Crew Recruitment Team
Human Resources Department