Small Planet Airlines is a European leisure carrier that believes in bringing change, quality and a bit of fun in the airline business.
Your tasks are:
⦁ To guarantee the safety on board of the aircraft
⦁ Looking after our passengers
⦁ Perform the catering service on board
If you have:
⦁ A lovely smile,
⦁ Working experience as a cabin crew,
⦁ Initial Safety Training Attestation or Initial Training Certificate issued under EU-Reg.1178/2011 in the latest version,
⦁ A passport allowing unlimited travelling.
And if you can:
⦁ Swim,
⦁ Speak and read fluent language of the base you are applying for and English,
⦁ Work in flexible times, including the weekends.
Why not to try?
Send us your CV (cvcabincrew@smallplanet.aero) in English with a latest profile picture. Do not forget to indicate on subject line: “Cabin Crew, <preferred base>”.
Only selected candidates will be informed.